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Showing posts from October 10, 2017

competitive exam की तैयारी करने वाले छात्र और छात्रा इस पोस्ट को जरुर पढ़े और शेयर करे

Daily Vocab Capsule 11th October 2017 Daily English Vocab Knitting a Safety Net Durga spent more than half her adult life battling mental illness. Driven by  allegiance (loyalty or commitment)  towards her children, she seemed committed to recovery, following her first breakdown. Her daughters, now married, remained unwavering in their support. She, however, felt like a burden, and experienced a sense of alienation. Disheartened by seemingly inadequate standards of responsiveness on emotional and pragmatic needs, she felt let down by her family. Determined to die, rather than live a life bereft (deprived of or lacking (something).)  of the joy of mutually valued relationships or dignity of self-reliance, she set herself alight,  undaunted (not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment.)  by the finality of her decision. One wonders if longer periods of institutional care or financial recourse could have saved her; though ...

competitive exam की तैयारी करने वाले छात्र और छात्रा इस पोस्ट को जरुर पढ़े और शेयर करे

Daily Vocab Capsule 10th October 2017 Daily English Vocab Between Home and The World To leave one’s home voluntarily for another place is a choice pregnant with twin sentiments: hope and despair. Hope that a better future awaits. From women deceived and trafficked across the world to high-skilled immigrants,  a sliver of (in small quantities)  promise animates many such decisions to move. But more varied in its contents of expression is the despair that follows. This is especially so if the journey from home has no return ticket — be it wives from south Indian villages who travel with their husbands to the urban wilderness of Delhi or Mumbai, or husbands who spend their married lives as lonesome men working in the Gulf, or young students who leave the comfort of their homes for the  sprawling (spread out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way.)  university campuses of America or Australia. To each of them, the accompanying despair at first arises...