Daily English Vocab Volley & Bluster It is a direly sinister (giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen.) coincidence that North Korea’s launch on Friday of yet another missile over Japan has coincided with Pyongyang’s bluster (loud, aggressive, or indignant talk with little effect.) against Japan and the US, altogether a conscious mockery (ridicule) of the canons of international relations. That bluster has been reinforced by Friday’s missile test, and it is time for America, Russia, and China to intervene. In the aftermath of the fresh Security Council sanctions in response to the regime’s recent nuclear test, North Korea has threatened to sink Japan, and “beat America to death like a rabid dog, reducing the country to ashes and darkness”. Chiefly, the sanctions ban textile exports and impose a cap on coal and minerals. The language of diplomacy is beneath contempt ...
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