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Daily Vocab Capsule 22nd September 2017

Daily Vocab Capsule
A Time of Strategic Partnerships
India pulled out all the stops last week to welcome Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the occasion of his fourth annual summit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The India-Japan “Special Strategic and Global Partnership” — a designation and status New Delhi accords to no other partner — has reached new heights under the stewardship (the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.) of the two leaders.
The rise of China and questions about America’s commitment in Asia have drawn them into a deepening security-cum-economic relationship. How deep is it? As Mr. Abe wrapped up his visit last Thursday, speculation arose on the possibility of an evolving “alliance” between the two countries given just how much their interests converge (tend to meet at a point.). Such analyses, though pointing in the right direction, may not capture the true nature of the India-Japan “strategic partnership.”
The India-Japan synergy (the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations) has two key elements. Japan is investing heavily in strengthening its critical infrastructure to enhance its economic and potential defence capabilities. Simultaneously, the two countries have begun working on a joint infrastructure development and connectivity drive traversing (travel across or through.) the Indian Ocean, from Myanmar to Sri Lanka to Iran and encompassing the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor. On defence matters, Japan and India have agreed to establish regular consultations in the “2+2” format of their defence and foreign ministries. Their navies exercise regularly together with the U.S. Navy. And negotiations on arms sales — notably, the ShinMaywa US-2i amphibious aircraft — are on. Japanese investment in the strategically placed Andaman and Nicobar Islands is likely to help New Delhi establish a major security sentinel in the eastern Indian Ocean.
Strategic partnerships
But this is not an alliance in the making. Alliances are passe (no longer fashionable; out of date.) and only a few continue gingerly (in a careful or cautious manner.) from the Cold War era. We live in a world today driven by “strategic partnerships”. States find themselves in an interdependent system where the traditional power politics of yesteryear doesn’t quite fit. After all, every major relationship characterised by strategic tension such as U.S.-China, Japan-China, India-China is simultaneously one of economic gain. The U.S. and China are each other’s chief trading partners, while China ranks at the top for Japan and India. Besides, India might confront China at Doklam but it also wants Chinese investment.
Strategic partnerships carry certain characteristic features falling short of alliances. First, unlike alliances, they do not demand commitments to a partner’s disputes with other countries. New Delhi does not take a strong position on Japan’s territorial disputes with China and Russia. Likewise, Tokyo does not openly side with India in its quarrels with China and Pakistan. For instance, Japan’s reaction to the Doklam stand-off, though critical of China implicitly, did not go beyond saying that “all parties involved should not resort (turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.) to unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force.” India’s reaction to the verdict of the arbitral tribunal on the South China Sea last year, urging “all parties to show utmost respect for the UNCLOS”, reflected a similar dispensation despite Japan’s push for a stronger statement. There was also no explicit mention of the South China Sea in the latest joint statement.
Strategic partnership means, first, that both retain the flexibility to continue political engagement and economic cooperation with their common adversary. Second, they avoid “entrapment”, or being dragged into a partner’s disputes and potentially into conflict, which happened in the First World War. Third, regular high-level political and military interactions facilitate a collaborative (produced by or involving two or more parties working together.) approach to strategic policies over a range of economic and military activities. India and Japan, for instance, are not only moving forward on economic and defence cooperation but are also cooperating on other important issues such as civil nuclear energy and Security Council reform.
Given that resort to war is undesirable owing to economic interdependence as well as the presence of nuclear weapons, the aim of major strategic partnerships is to strengthen defences against marginal conflict, convey a determination to stand up to a strategic adversary and, overall, generate a persuasive environment that discourages potential intimidation. Occasionally, as between India and China, a “strategic partnership” is a way of opening a channel of communication and minimal cooperation intended to stabilise and develop the potential for a détente (the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.) and conceivably something warmer. In this particular case, not much has been accomplished thus far, but it remains a low-cost option for expanding cooperation in the event the political fundamentals of the relationship show an upward swing.
Looking ahead
India’s two main strategic partnerships, with the U.S. and Japan, are dovetailing (fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently.) nicely. For New Delhi, the U.S. will remain its chief backer both to enhance India’s conventional defence capabilities and to draw political support in global political institutions, for example in components of the nuclear non-proliferation regime. Japan, in the meantime, is becoming its primary collaborator in developing its economic sinews (the parts of a structure, system, or organization that give it strength or bind it together.) and for building a geostrategic network that offers Indian Ocean states an alternative to dependence on China. Together, the emerging structure of triangular cooperation should give Beijing pause to think.
Courtesy: The Hindu (International Relations)
1. Gingerly (adverb): (In a careful or cautious manner.) (सतर्कता से)
Synonyms: Cautiously, Carefully, With Caution, With Care, Circumspectly, Warily, Heedfully, Watchfully, Vigilantly.
Antonyms: Carelessly, Un-Cautiously, Uncarefully.
Example: After the dentist had done his work, she had to chew gingerly on that side of her mouth for a while.
Origin: from Old French gensor ‘delicate’
2. Traverse (verb): (Travel across or through.) (पार जाना/तय करना)
Synonyms: Travel Over/Across, Journey Over/Across, Make One's Way Across, Pass Over, Go Across.
Antonyms: Be Settled, Be Stopped.
Example: To get to the highest mountain peak in the world, we will have to traverse a very rocky path.
Verb forms: Traverse, Traversed, Traversed.
3. Synergy (noun): (The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations) (सहक्रियता/सहभागिता)
Synonyms: Symbiosys, Coaction, Cooperation, Combined Efforts.
Antonyms: Discord, Hostility, Dissension.
Example: The synergy between the two firms has created a giant company that now controls the industry.
Related words:
Synergetic (adjective) - Working together; used especially of groups, as subsidiaries of a corporation, cooperating for an enhanced effect
Origin: from Greek sunergos ‘working together’, from sun- ‘together’ + ergon ‘work’.
4. Converge (verb): (Tend to meet at a point.) (अभिमुख होना/ मिलना)
Synonyms: Meet, Come Together, Connect, Link Up, Join, Unite, Merge.
Antonyms: Disperse, Scatter, Differ, Divide, Diverge.
Example: The hospital has made use of the convergence of medicine and technology to improve patient care.
Verb forms: Converge, Converged, Converged.
Related words:
Convergence (noun) - संमिलन
Origin: From Latin convergere, from con- ‘together’ + Latin vergere ‘incline’.
5. Stewardship (noun): (The job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.) (संचालन /प्रबंधन)
Synonyms: Management, Supervision, Governing
Antonyms: Ignorance, Negligence
Example: Under Coach Garry Kirsten’s stewardship, the team won world cup 2011.
Related words:
Steward (noun) – प्रबन्धक
6. Resort (verb): (Turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.) (की सहायता लेना/ के रास्ते को अपनाना)
Synonyms: Use, Utilize, Employ, Adopt To, have recourse to
Antonyms: Forgo, Eschew.
Example: Feeling the difficulty they resorted to another path to reach the destination.
Verb forms: Resort, Resorted, Resorted
7. Passe (adjective): (No longer fashionable; out of date.) (अप्रचलित/पुराना)
Synonyms: Outdated, Old-Fashioned, Outmoded, Outworn, Archaic, Obsolescent, Obsolete, Defunct.
Antonyms: Current, Fashionable, In Vogue, Modern, New.
Example: Once a new social media site becomes trendy, all of the old sites become passé and lose users.
Origin: French, literally ‘gone by’, past participle of passer.
8. Detente (noun): (The easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.)  (मित्रता का नवीनीकरण/सुधार (संबंधों का))
Synonyms: Reconciliation, Rapprochement, Easement (of Relations).
Antonyms: Worsening, Aggravation.
Example: The ambassadors spoke to each other about creating a climate of detente in the war torn region.
Origin: from French détente, ‘loosening, relaxation’.
9. Dovetail (verb): (Fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently.) (मेल खाना/ परस्परानुबंधन करना)
Synonyms: Accord, Concur, Coincide, Match, Fit, Be in agreement, Conform, Harmonize.
Antonyms: Clash, Mismatch, Disunite.
Example: For any relation to be successful, the habits of both sides should be dovetailed.
Verb forms: Dovetail, Dovetailed, Dovetailed.
10. Sinew (noun): (The parts of a structure, system, or organization that give it strength or bind it together.) (सामर्थ्य/मजबूती)
Synonyms: Muscle, Potency, Power, Vigor.
Antonyms: Disability, Impotence, Lethargy, Powerlessness, Weakness.
Example: A captain should be sinew of his team.
Verb forms: SinewSinewed, Sinewed.
Related words:
Sinew (verb) - To strengthen. (मजबूत करना) 
Sinewy (adjective) - मजबूत


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