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Daily Vocab Capsule 13 July 2017

Daily Vocab Capsule 13 July 2017

Daily English Vocab
Tragic failure

Neither impassioned statements of condemnation, nor detailed “explanations” from the security services can camouflage(छिपाना) the extreme incompetence andlaxity(ढिलाई) that enabled militants to carry out their dastardly(नीचतापूर्ण/कायरतापूर्ण) strike that cost the lives of at least six Amarnath pilgrims ~ the condition of some of the injured was grave(गंभीर) ~ on Monday night.
The pilgrimage had been identified as a target when intelligence reports pointed to plans to “celebrate” the anniversary of Burhan Wani’s being gunned down. The union home minister had taken a special review meeting, additional central forces were deployed ~ to no effect.
After Rajnath Singh took an “initiative” he must assume a degree of moral responsibility for the shameful failure: New Delhi cannot collect the bouquets and duck the brickbats. Passing the buck (उत्तरदायित्व मढ़ना) to the state government, in which the BJP is a partner, is craven(contemptibly lacking in courage). A thorough overhaul of North Block is overdue (बाकी/विलंबित), bringing J-K under Goveror’s Rule cannot be deferred any further.
And clearly NN Vohra is past his prime. Mere cosmetic changes in the state police and the leadership of the central forces in the Valley will not suffice: an entirely fresh approach to “managing” Jammu and Kashmir is unavoidable. The first step would be the NDA government (Mehbooba’s administration included) admitting to abject(हतोत्साह/निकृष्ट) failure at both strategic and tactical levels.
A government that cannot protect pilgrims has no right to make tall claims of efficiency. More “muscle” is hardly the answer, there is need for “grey matter” too. Reports from the ground point to a relaxation in security drills when the pilgrims were on their return journey. It defies explanation how an “unregistered” bus could make the better part of the trip, worse ply on its own (not part of the escorted convoy), that too after the 7 p.m. “curfew”.
When the police post at Batengoo came under attack why was the road not sealed immediately? Had the militantss potted an unescorted bus, picked it out as an easy target, and mounted a few stray (भटका हुआ) incidents to divert the attention of the amateurish (अदक्ष) forces? These queries may be answered by a competent inquiry, but that will neither bring back the lives of the pilgrims killed, nor unfortunately ensure upgraded preventive action in the future.
There have been too many probes to inspire confidence. This nation is paying a high price for neglecting its police forces, be it in J-K, across the Maoist corridor, or even in the way it fails to stop gau rakshaks when they unleash their frenzied (उन्मत्त) forays.
It would definitely be unfair to point an accusing finger at the NDA government alone, there has been a collective failure of past and present Central and state governments to improve police functioning, the focus has been on using the cops as political weapons. Tears over the pilgrims will not wash away that sin.

1. Craven (adjective): lacking the least bit of courage, contemptibly fainthearted. (उत्साह हीन/डरपोक)
Synonyms: gutless, dastard, fearful, coward.
Antonyms: bold, brave, courageous, heroic.
Example: Because police officers must be fearless, craven people should not apply for positions in law enforcement.

2. Dastard (adjective): a dishonorable or despicable man. (नीच/कायर)
Synonyms: wicked, evil, cruel, despicable.
Antonyms: honorable, respectable.
Example: The dastardly deeds committed by the pirates were recounted at the mock trial, and they were all hanged in effigy.
Related words:
Dastardly (adverb) - नीचतापूर्ण

3. Camouflage (verb): conceal the existence of (something undesirable). (छिपाना)
Synonyms: disguise, hide, conceal, mask, veil, cloak.
Antonyms: unveil, reveal. 
Example: As a defensive measure, some lizards can camouflage by changing colors to blend into their environments.
Verb forms: camouflage, camouflaged, camouflaged.
Related words:
Camouflage (noun) - a means or attempt to conceal something
Origin: from Italian camuffare ‘disguise, deceive’.

 4. Overdue (adjective): not having arrived, happened, or been done by the expected time. (बाकी/विलंबित)
Synonyms: late, not on time, behind schedule, long-delayed, belated.
Antonyms: early, on time.
Example: The landlord reminded him that the rent was overdue.

5. Abject (adjective): (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree.  (हतोत्साह/निकृष्ट)  
Synonyms: wretched, miserable, hopeless, pathetic, piteous.
Antonyms: cheerful, encouraged, joyful.
Example: The football player was abject after being cut from the team.
Related words:
Abjectly (adverb) - निराशा में
Origin: from Latin abjectus

6. Stray (adjective): not in the right place; separated from the group or target. (भटका हुआ)
Synonyms: devious, aimless, erratic.
Antonyms: methodical, nonrandom, orderly, organized.
Example: Even with the simplest task, Camille’s mind will stray and meander.
Verb forms: Stray, Strayed, Strayed.
Related words:
Stray (verb) – भटकना

7. Amateurish (adjective):  done in an unskillful or inept way. (अदक्ष)  
Synonyms: incompetent, inept, useless, unskillful, inexpert, maladroit, gauche.
Antonyms: competent, dexterous, skillful.
Example: Even though I am an amateur singer, I hope to make a career out of it one day.
Related words:
Amateur (noun) - a person who is contemptibly inept at a particular activity.

8. Frenzied (adjective):  wildly excited or uncontrolled. (उन्मत्त)
Synonyms: frantic, wild, frenetic, agitated, hysterical.
Antonyms: balanced, calm, composed, controlled.
Example: The Incredible Hulk goes into frenzy when he turns green, becoming impossibly strong.
Related words:
Frenzy (noun) - a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour.

9. Laxity (noun): lack of strictness or care. (ढिलाई) 
Synonyms: heedlessness, inattention, neglect, oversight, remissness, slackness.
Antonyms: attention, care, heedfulness.
Example: The prevalent laxity toward marriage causes the divorce rate to rise.
Related words:
Lax (adjective) - not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful.
Origin:  from Latin laxus means loose.

10. Grave (adjective): giving cause for alarm; serious. (गंभीर)  
Synonyms: serious, alarming, solemn, weighty, critical.
Antonyms: trivial, frivolous, unimportant.
Example: Carelessness in medication could have grave consequences.
Related words:
Gravely (adverb) - गंभीरता से


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